Rebecca Moix, VP of Finance
If there is one person at the Intrust office who would insist we wear protective eyewear for the office nerf dart games, it would be Rebecca Moix, Intrust’s Financial Controller of Business Operations. And that’s not because she doesn’t want anyone to have fun. Absolutely not. Rebecca values the “work hard, play hard” attitude at Intrust just as much as “those geeky IT guys” she affectionately puts up with to earn her living. But what Rebecca brings to Intrust is a refined sense of judgment. “I question and double-check things,” she admits, and that is something we are very grateful for. In our work, that means Rebecca keeps watch for any leaks that might put our financial ship in danger. In our play, that means Rebecca makes sure none of our crew loses an eye.
Keeping this IT services company ship afloat is not an easy task, but one that Rebecca comes to naturally. With a degree in business and economics and over 20 years of experience as an accountant and financial analyst, including working as a CPA for Deloitte and Touche, she comfortably takes the helm and guides our way through both rough and calm waters, happily issuing instructions to the rest of us as we go. Rebecca is the one who holds the carrot of a paycheck in front of everyone’s noses while cracking the steady whip of professional reminders (Timesheets? Turn them in. Receipts? Keep them. Policies? Follow them.)
Playing Captain of the Money Ship all day can be exhausting, so don’t be surprised if one of these days you wake up to find Rebecca has navigated the Intrust ship into harbor on the nearest tropical island to offer IT outsourcing from a remote location. “I hate the winter cold,” she says, which is probably the one complaint Rebecca has about her job at Intrust: the Ohio location. She’d much prefer working on the beach, drinking Sangria—while wearing sunscreen, of course.